Birding in Desert National Park

    The Desert National Park, in Jaisalmer is one of the most fascinating regions of the Thar Desert. Its unique ecosystem is home to different varieties of animal and bird species. With the vast stretches of the sandy desert welcoming adventure lovers, it is a delight to experience wildlife safaris at the park.

    Birding in Desert National Park is one of the most popular activities. Ornithologists from India and abroad frequent the site to spot rare species of birds. With the help of experienced guides like Musa Khan, they can easily find out more about their behaviour, migratory patterns, differences in plumage and other distinguishing factors that make each bird unique in its own way.

    The region has migratory as well as resident birds living in the area. The critically endangered Great Indian Bustard also lives here and there’s a great chance to spot these birds at the park. During the winter season, the Mcqueen’s Bustard also migrates to the Desert National Park and if you want to see these rare bird species you need to be at the park at the right time.

    You can either choose a jeep safari or a camel ride to spot birds at the park. The vehicles registered with the forest department are allowed inside the Desert National Park and therefore, you have to make your bookings well in advance. During peak season, between October and March, the region becomes a buzzing hotspot for birds such as the Barbary Falcon, Himalayan Vulture, Pallid Harrier, Steppe Eagle, Eastern Imperial Eagle, Northern Raven, Asian Desert Warbler and different varieties of Larks.

    Popular Birds at Desert National Park

    While birdwatchers can spot a diverse variety of bird species at the Desert National Park, there are some which are rare and cannot be spotted anywhere else. If you get in touch with Musa Khan before your trip, he can keep you updated about sightings in various regions.

    Here are some of the most popular birds found at the Desert National Park:

    Great Indian Bustard

    Categorised among critically endangered species, it is one of the heaviest flying birds. It is found in the dry desert region of India and is also common in eastern Pakistan.


    The merlin is a small species of falcon from the Northern Hemisphere, with numerous subspecies throughout North America and Eurasia


    The cream-colored courser is a wader in the pratincole and courser family, Glareolidae. Both parts of the scientific name derive from Latin cursor, "runner", from currere, "to run" which describes their

    Finsch's wheatear Birds

    Finsch's wheatear is a wheatear, a small insectivorous passerine that was formerly classed as a member of the thrush family, Turdidae, but is now more generally considered to be an Old World flycatcher of the family Muscicapidae

    Red-tailed wheatear

    The red-tailed wheatear, also known as the rusty-tailed wheatear, Persian wheatear or Afghan wheatear, is a small passerine bird breeding in mountainous areas of south-west and central Asia.

    Bimaculated lark

    The bimaculated lark breeds in warm temperate countries eastwards from Turkey into Central Asia. It is the eastern counterpart of its relative, the calandra lark.

    Houbara bustard

    The houbara bustard, also known as African houbara, is a relatively small bustard native to North Africa, where it lives in arid habitats. The global population is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List since 2014.

    Desert lark

    The desert lark breeds in deserts and semi-deserts from Morocco to western India. It has a very wide distribution and faces no obvious threats, and surveys have shown that it is slowly increasing in numbers as it expands its range.

    Greater hoopoe-lark Birds

    The greater hoopoe-lark is a passerine bird which is a breeding resident of arid, desert and semi-desert regions from the Cape Verde Islands across much of northern Africa, through the Arabian peninsula, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.

    Common starling Birds

    The common starling or European starling, also known simply as the starling in Great Britain and Ireland, is a medium-sized passerine bird in the starling family, Sturnidae. It is about 20 cm long and has glossy black plumage with a metallic sheen, which is speckled with white at some times of year.

    Eastern imperial eagle

    The eastern imperial eagle is a large bird of prey that breeds in southeastern Europe and extensively through West and Central Asia. Most populations are migratory and winter in northeastern Africa, the Middle East and South and East Asia.

    Asian desert warbler

    The Asian desert warbler is a typical warbler which breeds in the deserts of central and western Asia and the extreme east of Europe, and migrating to similar habitats in southwestern Asia and the far northeast of Africa in winter.

    Explore More

    • The Great Indian Bustard
    • Macqueen's Bustard
    • Desert wheatear
    • Variable Wheatear
    • Isabelline Wheatear
    • Greater hoopoe Lark
    • Desert Lark
    • Rufous tailed Lark
    • Bimaculated Lark
    • Short toed larks
    • Ashy crowned sparrowlark
    • Black crowned sparrowlark
    • Singing bushlark
    • Indian bushlark
    • Crested Lark
    • Stoliczka's bushchat
    • Merlin
    • Montagues harrier
    • Pallid Harrier
    • Sociable Lapwing
    • White tailed Lapwing
    • Ruff
    • Little Stint
    • White eyed Buzzard
    • Long legged Buzzard
    • Tree pipit
    • Water pipit
    • Long billed pipit
    • Striolated Bunting
    • White eared Bulbul
    • Brown rock chat
    • Trumpetar Finch
    • Desert Courser
    • Lagger Falcon
    • Red necked Falcon
    • Peregrine Falcon
    • Saker Falcon
    • Eurasian Hobby
    • Orphean Warbler
    • Desert Warbler
    • Plain leaf Warbler
    • Booted Warbler
    • Syk's Warbler
    • Humes leaf Warbler
    • Common chiffchaff
    • Sulpher bellied Warbler
    • Lesser Whitethroat
    • Spotted Flycatcher
    • All Sandgrouse
    • Egyptian Vulture
    • Rock Eagle Owl
    • Short eared Owl
    • Yellow crowned Woodpecker
    • European Roller
    • Indian Roller
    • White bellied Drongo
    • Grey necked Bunting
    • Red headed Bunting
    • Black headed Bunting
    • Rufous fronted Prinia
    • Jungle Prinia
    • Streak throated Swallow
    • Indian Courser
    • Red tailed Wheatear
    • Indian Vulture
    • Eurasian Griffon
    • Raven
    • Blue cheeked Bee-eater
    • Eastern imperial Eagle
    • Tawny Eagle
    • Booted Eagle
    • Indian spotted Eagle
    • Steppe Eagle
    • Bonelli's Eagle
    • Grey Francolin
    • Common Quail
    • European Nightjar
    • Syk's Nightjar
    • Little Swift
    • Demoiselle Crane
    • Common Crane
    • Western reef Egret
    • Red backed Shrike
    • Isabelline Shrike
    • Bay backed Shrike
    • Indian Silverbill
    • Spanish Sparrow
    • Sind Sparrow
    • Red rumped Swallow
    • Wire tailed Swallow
    • Dusky crag Martin
    • Himalayan bulbul
    • Red breasted Flycatcher
    • Great Indian Bustard
    • Rufous-Tailed Scrub Robin
    • Spotted Flycatcher
    • Red-backed Shrike
    • Red-tailed Shrike
    • Common Whitethroat
    • Blue-cheeked Bee-eater
    • Greater Hoopoe Lark
    • Desert Lark
    • Cream-coloured Courser
    • Indian Courser
    • Indian Eagle Owl
    • Punjab Raven
    • Indian Culture
    • White-rumped Vulture
    • Egyptian Vulture
    • Red-headed Vulture
    • Laggar Falcon
    • Tawny Eagle
    • Black-crowned Sparrow Lark
    • Orphean Warbler
    • Eurasian Wryneck
    • Wheatears
    • Larks
    • Pipits
    • Sandgrouse
    • Francolin
    • Desert Cat
    • Desert Fox
    • Bluebill
    • Indian Fox
    • Hedgehog
    • Desert Jerd
    • Indian Gazelle
    • Sochurek's Saw-scaled Viper
    • Toad-headed Agama
    • Brilliant Ground Agama
    • Fringed-toed Lizard
    • Rock Gecko
    • Desert Monitor
    • Spiny-tailed Lizard

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